
Alli Love
2 min readNov 18, 2020

So after finishing work today and waiting for my daughter to fall asleep I finally got back to working on the side hustle. Buhbee.com ( I know, I know the website doesn’t actually exist yet).

As I was trying to retrace my steps from last time and figure out what I was supposed to be doing, (I’m somewhere beween researching the products and actually building a scraper to scrape that data even though i’ve yet to build proper data models) I ended up on the ycombinator website signing up to start up school: future founders because yes i’m not ready to give up my day job during a global pandemic with a mortgage, wife, daughter and rabbit to take care of.

As I went to join though it said I had missed the most recent start date for the course! Nightmare.

But it turns out that they still allow you late entry!

I quickly jumped into the forum and started reading through all of the other future founders ideas and none of them were even somewhat similar to what I was working on. I honestly had expected the entire forum to be full of big data , machine learning and artificial intelligence but in reality people see to have very different problems they want to solve.

I made a conscious effort to go through every single founders comments and reply to each one wishing them great success and adding the occasional comment on or idea to help them with their own ideas.

I can only hope that this encourages them all to do the same in response to me. And who knows, maybe I’ll end up working for one of these guys one day if my own projects fail miserably. (Hopefully I would get partnership shares though cause the aim isn’t to continue working for other people here).

Anyways, I blitzed through week one today and will happily share one of the pages from Paul Graham’s blog for anyone who’s interested.

Also, I’ve got this song stuck in my head again as i’ve listened to it a few times today on spotify so thought i’d share it too :) Enjoy folks I’m heading to bed now before the painkillers properly kick in after the injection in my foot yesterday for my neuroma. :)

